Friday, 28 September 2012

AOB1- Plan

Mr Haycocks
Room 41
The Thomas Adams School
Lowe Hill Road


Dear Mr Haycocks

I wish to convey some ideas for a What’s On magazine guide that we propose to make called, 'Around You'. We agree this is a good title as it is relevant to the subject of the guide and makes the reader think about the things going on around them.  To make this guide we have decided to work in a group of three, the group members being Will Storey, Ellie King and Tanya Steele.

The target audience is for someone who is aged between 12-35 years old who wishes to know about what's going on around them. We feel the magazine will target this audience as we will use colours and include relevant topics for this age group. On each of the pages we will try to ensure that none of the content is too young or too old of the audience. For example on the film page I will include films that I know people of that age are interested in watching.  

Each of the members within the group has decided to do two or three pages each and this will ensure that each member has an equal input into the project. Will will do a film page and scout page as he is in the scouts and enjoys watching films. Will is also going to compile the contents page, Ellie has agreed to do a music and a sports page while Tanya is doing the front and back page. Each person has also be given a set task to complete and this is to ensure all the pictures, writing and layout are done on time. Will is going to do the layout as he is the one who most enjoys designing pages and he has a Macbook with the essential software for doing this. Ellie is going to take all the photographs as she has her own professional camera and has a passion for taking photos. She attends a lot of sporting events and is able to capture some exciting images for the magazine. Tanya loves talking and likes getting it down on paper and we therefore think she would be best at being responsible for all the writing.

For the magazine, we will have 10 weeks to design and publish it. This is a long enough time as long as we ensure we are always working within the working hours as well as doing it in our own time.

As for the costs involved, we have decided a budget of £10,000 will be about right knowing the big price will be in the computers which we have set a budget of £4,500. We are thinking of working in a studio in Shrewsbury as this is a central location for us all and we know there are public transport routes.
I hope I have covered everything!
Thanks for reading,

Will Storey

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